Space will win.
Earth has been encapsulated in an envelope for many thousands of years, isolating it from fullly interacting with the greater world and with beings of larger consciousness.
The actual envelope is a limitation of ideas, or concepts. The consciousness of humans on Earth has been limited by the belief system that acknowledges the limitation of the speed of light.
It is ironic that the belief system of "science", which was developed in reaction to other belief systems involving religion and emotions and which holds itself up as freeing humans from irrational thought, is in actuality just causing more bondage and limitations for humanity by programming in the belief in certain limitations.
One example of this is science's non-belief in 'free energy', or energy which may be wirelessly broadcast and is not derived from combustion. Because science refuses to believe in the possibility of free energy, and forces those who would investigate it to the fringe, science keeps humanity enslaved to the limitations and consequences of energy derived from combustion.
Another example is science's non-belief in consciousness as an energy independent from biology (that the mind/awareness can exist without a brain or neurology.) I call this "flat Earth society thinking", because it is very similar to the mindset that refused to acknowledge that other humans could live on other continents that are not perceptible because they are on the other side of a round planet.
This modern day flat Earth thinking keeps humanity encapsulated (and I want to say enslaved by willing ignorance) from the sea of consciousness and grander entities who exist but who do not have organic bodies made of matter. These grander entities may not even be called extra-terrestrial, or non-Earthly, because they are very much connected to Earth and Earth's corporeal form, even if they are not perceptible to some humans in corporeal form (and that is largely due to the mental programming which has been installed in human biology, much like a computer operating system.)

The human physical form does not have to be so limited in its perception of non-physical consciousness. It's not a problem of the eyeballs. It is a problem of the mind, the conscious programming which humans pick up after they are born, not the true eternal mind which is the meta-programming that is always running, but the limited verbal rational mind that is socialized and taught in school.
I have described in other posts how that mind, the installation, is not even an innately human mind, but is instead like an operating system that has been hacked and installed as part of the "factory settings" that come with the the human computer. It is a mind based upon and originating from, and forced upon humanity by, a group of extra-dimensional beings who have controlled and enslaved humanity for tens of thousands of years. (see my previous post "your mind is not your own") Think of it as Windows for organic computers, created by an extra-dimensional entity version of Bill Gates whose sole motivation is his continued profit and protecting his monopoly.
In the case of humanity, and the limitations of mind which have quarantined Earth for so long, the "profit" is in the quality of the thoughts and emotions which humans emit. Humans have been forced or encouraged to emit lower quality emotions such as fear and hatred (lower quality than unconditional love), which is the only vibration that the enslaving extra-dimensional creatures can feed off of. So, they have a vested interest in keeping humans limited and in fear.
There was, of course, a practical reason for the quarantine of Earth from interacting with the greater world: once humanity was brought down to the vibratory level of emitting fear and hatred (also sadness, jealousy, greed, etc) it was no longer appropriate for humans to be fully connected to propagating their thoughts throughout the rest of the larger body of mind of the universe.
For it must be understood that Earth (and Earthly life) does not just absorb light/information from the stars (the Sun.) The planet also emits light! I am not talking about the cloud surface or ice sheet reflecting sunlight. I am talking about the mental and emotional emanations that come from humans (and other life) that eat matter, which is solidified light. Organic life consumes nutrition, solidified sunlight, but that is not the end of the journey of those photons. Far from it, because photons are on an infinite journey of consciousness. The light is consumed and refined, then emitted as infrared (heat), emotions, and thoughts.
Consciousness is energy, although it is not currently being recognized by the scientific mindset, so it is not measured and explored and factored into experiments and calculations in the same way other forms of energy are acknowledged.
Earth emits waves of consciousness. This happens on a planetary scale, and on an individual scale. It is the collective dream that humanity calls "reality". Humanity has been programmed to dream and emit a very selective, and limited, version of "reality."
What is clear is that this "reality", which has been created and supported for the convenience of entities who are not human, cannot continue indefinitely in its present condition.
"Reality" exists as an artificial state, which would be completely undermined if the state of quarantine from the rest of the greater world were lifted.
We are talking about now the "software upgrades" available from the Galactic Center which act as "patches" to the DNA of Earthly organisms, blocking out access from the hackers, restoring mental sovereignty, and returning humans to their proper position of ingesting light and emitting unconditional love.
Humans have an amazing generative capacity, which has been hijacked for so long and used to create destructive and violent thought-forms: it's called The Imagination.
When you ingest a program, be it fiction or non-fiction, for example by watching tv, your imagination then emanates that program, reinforcing the reality that the program came from. If it is a violent program, e.g. a tv show murder mystery, the imagination churns out more reality in which murder is real. Murder, rape, serial violence, these are all programs that humans ingest, then emanate in order to make a reality filled with more serially violent murderers and rapists. If you would like to live in a different reality, it is necessary to stop ingesting the programs which are creating the current reality.
For the current reality cannot stand. I am talking about the consensual fiction of money, banking, debt, and compound interest that currently defines the limitations of personal and international economies. The limitations inherent in these programs have had an incredibly deleterious effect on the health of the biological organism of the planet. Literally, these mental programs are causing Earth to be diseased, and the disease is at a point where it is a health crisis.
The cure comes in the form of regaining a multi-dimensional understanding of consciousness and the world around and inside of oneself.
This is how the quarantine of Earth shall be lifted.
It will be understood that, in order to travel from star to star, the idea of getting in a metal spaceship and traveling according to the limitations of the speed of light is not practicable. In order to travel from star to star, one must take a journey of pure consciousness.
Travelers are here who have come from other stars, and they did not come here in metal spaceships.
They came here in organisms, traveling collectives of minds which are the combination of individual consciousnesses and biological metabolic processes, able to traverse the interstices of multi-dimensional space with the power of will and unconditional love.
These enormous organisms, the size of a planet, have been perceived around the sun. They are floating worlds of consciousness populated by beings of pure unconditional love, beings of light who eat light and who can travel on light, and who are not limited by the speed of light as it travels through space.
They are here to re-establish interactions and connections with human consciousness on Earth. One challenge to this process is that when plasma (light) meets matter, it tends to cause the matter to be instantly raised in vibration (it is incinerated, and changes state to gases and plasma, no longer being matter.) So, the energy beings who have travelled here through the stargate of the Sun cannot interact too directly with material humans, or the humans would be burned. Humans must raise their vibrations to the point where they can withstand contact from these higher dimensional entities, and this is the process of Ascension.
Ascension is the raising of the vibration of matter until it takes on more of the qualities of light. From a first person experience, it feels like changes in consciousness and understanding, a broadening of perspective to encompass multiple timelines, changing the understanding of the physical body from an inert piece of matter to that which exists as a result of a dance of possiblity and probability on an energetic level, and ceasing to identify with the temporal (time-based) ego self and instead identifying with the universal, eternal parts of consciousness that can survive the journey through the cauldron of pure light because they, themselves, are made of pure light.
In order to survive this journey, your individual consciousness must return to identifying with the pure light within. A being of pure light, bathed in pure light, is not being destroyed, it is connecting with more of its true self.