This morning I had a beautiful experience while in meditation that I would like to share with you.
I connected with thought consciousness to the consciousnesses of several blue whales, while at the same time being in telepathic rapport with the extra-terrestrial/extra-dimensional entities I usually connect with.
First, what precipitated the focusing of my attention (attention from the Greek root attenuos, or to stretch forward, this is a function of the Third Eye or Indigo Chakra, an energetic limb that reaches forward or attenuates towards whatever one is thinking about...) upon the blue whales was an association with my friend's tattoo of his higher guide, which is a blue whale. In this way, images or symbols can be associated with a particular consciousness's signature, and you can tune in to that particular consciousness.
I had gone swimming yesterday, and actually fully submerged myself in the pool, a rare occurrence for me, and it brought up many negative emotional residues which needed to be healed. Connecting to this blue whale telepathically, I was able to feel it's feeling about the ocean as a beautiful, supportive, buoyant and peaceful place (so different than my human-centered perception and aversion to the ocean as dangerous and filled with monsters.)
The Blue Whales communicated to me their purpose on Earth, as intoners who send a steady, extremely deep vibration of subtle energies into Earth's oceans on a constant basis. It is a love vibration, and it was shown to me to be like a bubble of energy surrounding an individual whale up to 100 miles: a field created by an incredibly powerful standing wave of pure love energy which radiates from the whale, and into which only creatures of pure love may enter.
Seeing the ocean from the perspective of a 100-mile-wide-love-aura-radiating whale changed my perception of the ocean and allowed me to release some of the fears and negativity I had associated with it.
The Blue Whales also communicated to me that part of their purpose is to follow the circle-based ocean currents as they radiate this love, helping the waters of the oceans to move in loving patterns. They told me that they were similar to yogis, or monks in meditation, and even made it clear that many monks reincarnate into whales in order to experience this life of pure meditational bliss and service to the planet.
I also had an interesting exchange with the whales regarding their connection to and protective love for Earth, because of my perspective based upon being a walk-in or star entity in human form, the whales had to make it very clear to me that they are not from elsewhere but are very much part of this planet and the life experience here.
Which brings me to the other parties involved in this morning's interdimensional "conference call", the community of star entities to whom I am connected. These entities are part of the higher dimensional overarching consciousness called Christ, and they have created and formed a grid of connected consciousness that surrounds Earth (it is also connected to many other places but right now we are focusing on the planetary grid here.) This grid of Christ Consciousness acts to sustain Earth by maintaining a nourishing forcefield of the subtle, higher dimensional energy associated with the Indigo or Christ chakra.
This is very similar to what the Blue Whales do, because the whales are all telepathically connected to one another, and they form a mental unit of beings who radiate love, consciousness, and compassion throughout this planet.
The extra-dimensional entities who are part of the grid of Christ Consciousness are also working very hard to halt the pollution of the ocean due to the radiation leak at Fukushima, not only out of love for Earth, but also because, once nuclear energy is involved there can be a bleeding through of events from one timeline to another and this forms a type of "time pollution" which adversely affects them. (This answers some questions about et non-interventionism.) To be more clear: when a nuclear bomb is exploded, or there are nuclear accidents, the disturbance of energy at a subatomic level begins to cause weakening or holes or perturbations in the field of time, and the events of one timeline begin to have an affect on the events of other timelines.
So, not only is planet Earth waking up to the interconnectedness of all life on her surface, and how the water in one area is connected to the water everywhere, but interdimensional beings are waking up to the interconnectedness of all consciousness on every timeline, and the events in one time can have an impact on the events in another time.
(It is important to understand that the Fukushima melt down was a crucial event in time for humanity, a branching point of many timelines from which emanate some very unpleasant futures where humanity's DNA has become degraded and mutated as a result of the radiation, and there exists much sickness and infertility. Inhabitants of those futures have sometimes come back in time to pre-Fukushima Earth in order to harvest genetic material such as sperm and ova from humans who have not yet been polluted, in an attempt to revive their own failing future DNA.)
At the culmination of this meditation, I felt a powerful coherent intent from the whales (and creatures of the oceans here), myself as a being in human form, and the extraterresstrial and extradimensional entities across time who all combined energy and infused planet Earth with the nourishing subtle energies necessary to cleanse and heal the radiation leak from Fukushima. This will result in not only changes in the subtle energy field, but also in the attitudes of humans and other sentient life here, and in the manifested events of 3rd dimensional reality.