Walking In
This post was intended to be devoted entirely to the topic of my walking into this physical body and the Earth plane, a subject I do not usually divulge until I have gotten to know a person and about which I have not, up to this moment, shared all of the details and ramifications of full disclosure. (However, as I began writing, it became clear that I have to expand the breadth of the topic to include the cosmic history behind Earth's current state in order to present my own individual story within a proper context.) The main reason for limiting this information had to do with self protection, from the harm that can come from extreme negative reactions to a person whose fundamental differences are perceived as threatening by the unevolved, fearful humans in this time and place, and also protection from drawing too much attention to myself from evil non-human entities who are a part of the story of how I came here, as well as Earth's and humanity's origins. However, at this time in 2012, not only have I reached a level in my individual development that allows me to withstand both negative social reaction from humans but also intentful negative energy from non-physical adversaries, it has also become extremely relevant to humanity for the survival of its consciousness (both individual and planetary) during the coming/ongoing galactic shift in energy to understand on a profound level how and why I came here and the message that I share via The Flying Rainbow Lasagne.
So, firstly, I am a walk-in, however, I am also an alien/human hybrid, who has combined with or "married" Christ Consciousness on an energetic and genetic level.
It is necessary for me to clarify my use of the word Christ, because I do NOT mean it to be associated with the established religion of Christianity as it is currently practiced in this time and place. In fact, the religious teachings that masquerade under the name of "Christ" more accurately resemble "Anti-Christ", if it is understood that Christ is literally the name of the energetic organ (chakra) that allows one to "see" with insight (the third eye) but the teachings of the Christian religion in this time and place are largely created by those who do not "see" and are designed to keep humans from ever being able to "see". I recognize that this is a possibly insulting and infuriating assertion, and this is one reason why I have not been fully forthright about this topic until this time. However, at this point in the development of the story of Earth as a planetary consciousness and within the relevant context of reconnection to the Galactic Source, it no longer serves to withhold vital information simply for fear of insulting people, some of whom may actually benefit from being exposed to the unvarnished truth.
Christ is a consciousness, it is the name of a much larger (than human) entity that pervades the universe on a level that is so vast it is nearly unimaginable to a human limited by the biology and neurology of the physical vessel. You could even say that Christ IS consciousness, that it is synonymous with awareness, and that wherever and whenever consciousness exists there is a shard or aspect of Christ. (Therefore we can also state the opposite, that lack of information/awareness/consciousness could be called anti-Christ, and that systems which promote or maintain lack of awareness are anti-Christ.)
Christ Consciousness is associated with the indigo or brow chakra (yes, there will be a blog post devoted entirely to the chakra system; until then, please check out my Educreation called The Formation of the Chakras ) also known as the third eye, the organ of perception associated with true insight. (Here's another Educreation:Eye of Time)This is understanding on an abstract empirical level, not clouded or distorted by anthropomorphic interpretation. I am including here a link to one of my Educreations Lessons for Full Spectrum Humans regarding Non-Religious Christ Consciousness
This is another way of saying that this higher, universal consciousness called Christ is like the eye of an enormous entity, and that each individual organism such as you or myself are one cell on the retina of that eye. The combined experience or feedback from each one of us as individual receptors is what adds up to the meta-awareness of this overarching entity, just as the individual cell signals combine to make vision possible from the retina of a physical eye.
Now we may take the analogy further, by recognizing that retinal cells who are not active are not perceiving and transmitting information to the vision of the larger entity, and that areas of limited vision or blindness may occur as a result. This is the condition of Earth as a planetary consciousness right now, and it is the direct result of disturbances to the genetic code of humans which have distorted or limited human perception or "seeing" and also limited the ability to connect or broadcast what is "seen" to the overarching consciousness entity of which Earth is a part.
Christ Consciousness, or pure awareness, has had limited vision from its earthly receptor cells for tens of thousands of years. This is due to intentional degradation of the genetic code in humans which has negatively affected the proper functioning of the third eye chakra of individuals (and hence, of planetary consciousness) by the force of anti-Christ, or anti-awareness.
Humanity was created with the intention of being perfect receptors and transmitters of awareness, however, it is due to targeted genetic manipulation by outside entities (and we will get to those) that humanity's vision has been distorted or limited. All of the negative behavior patterns of humanity over the past tens of thousands of years can be attributed to this distortion of the genetic code and the resulting blindness of inner vision that humanity has been experiencing. These are the genetic shackles, put in place by non-physical masters, designed to enslave biological human entities into emitting lower quality emotions ("lower" than unconditional love) such as hatred, fear, sorrow, jealousy, and rage.
The reason for this: those very same non-physical masters are trapped between dimensions and have been for aeons, unable to eat the food of the higher dimensional beings which is pure unconditional love, and also without a physical biological form, which would allow them to get nourishment from eating physical food.
The situation is very similar to that of a virus, wherein a virus does not meet all of the qualifications of being defined as "alive" because although it may have a physical cellular body it cannot eat or reproduce without a host. In order to reproduce, a virus must enter a physical body, and then hijack the genetic material of the cell nucleus to begin replicating viruses instead of performing its true intended function for the overall body, all the while utilizing the nutrition gained from the physical body towards its own viral agenda (which is basically, to make more viruses!) These non-physical masters hijacked the genetic code of humans on Earth with devastating consequences to the health of the planet: not only the introduction of disease of the physical body, but also malformation of the mind and perception.
The Flying Rainbow Lasagne is the antibody, or antidote, or "cure" for this longstanding genetic malady afflicting humans and Earth for so long. It is a way to "get around" the genetic blockages that have held humans in a mental cage for so long, and I will of course describe in explicit detail exactly how it works, over the course of many postings on this blog. For now, you can check out my Educreations Lesson regarding the FRL and epigenetics here :The Flying Rainbow Lasagne and DNA
All of this is backstory to set up the circumstances of my walking-in to this realm, so please be patient and let the story unfold.
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