Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Status Quo is not Survivable

 Space will win.

Earth has been encapsulated in an envelope for many thousands of years, isolating it from fullly interacting with the greater world and with beings of larger consciousness.

The actual envelope is a limitation of ideas, or concepts.  The consciousness of humans on Earth has been limited by the belief system that acknowledges the limitation of the speed of light.

It is ironic that the belief system of "science", which was developed in reaction to other belief systems involving religion and emotions and which holds itself up as freeing humans from irrational thought, is in actuality just causing more bondage and limitations for humanity by programming in the belief in certain limitations. 

One example of this is science's non-belief in 'free energy', or energy which may be wirelessly broadcast and is not derived from combustion. Because science refuses to believe in the possibility of free energy, and forces those who would investigate it to the fringe, science keeps humanity enslaved to the limitations and consequences of energy derived from combustion.

Another example is science's non-belief in consciousness as an energy independent from biology (that the mind/awareness can exist without a brain or neurology.) I call this "flat Earth society thinking", because it is very similar to the mindset that refused to acknowledge that other humans could live on other continents that are not perceptible because they are on the other side of a round planet.

This modern day flat Earth thinking keeps humanity encapsulated (and I want to say enslaved by willing ignorance) from the sea of consciousness and grander entities who exist but who do not have organic bodies made of matter. These grander entities may not even be called extra-terrestrial, or non-Earthly, because they are very much connected to Earth and Earth's corporeal form, even if they are not perceptible to some humans in corporeal form (and that is largely due to the mental programming which has been installed in human biology, much like a computer operating system.) 

The human physical form does not have to be so limited in its perception of non-physical consciousness. It's not a problem of the eyeballs. It is a problem of the mind, the conscious programming which humans pick up after they are born, not the true  eternal mind which is the meta-programming that is always running, but the limited verbal rational mind that is socialized and taught in school. 

I have described in other posts how that mind, the installation, is not even an innately human mind, but is instead like an operating system that has been hacked and installed as part of the "factory settings" that come with the the human computer. It is a mind based upon and originating from, and forced upon humanity by, a group of extra-dimensional beings who have controlled and enslaved humanity for tens of thousands of years. (see my previous post "your mind is not your own") Think of it as Windows for organic computers, created by an extra-dimensional entity version of Bill Gates whose sole motivation is his continued profit and protecting his monopoly.

In the case of humanity, and the limitations of mind which have quarantined Earth for so long, the "profit" is in the quality of the thoughts and emotions which humans emit.  Humans have been forced or encouraged to emit lower quality emotions such as fear and hatred (lower quality than unconditional love), which is the only vibration that the enslaving extra-dimensional creatures can feed off of. So, they have a vested interest in keeping humans limited and in fear.

There was, of course, a practical reason for the quarantine of Earth from interacting with the greater world: once humanity was brought down to the vibratory level of emitting fear and hatred (also sadness, jealousy, greed, etc) it was no longer appropriate for humans to be fully connected to propagating their thoughts throughout the rest of the larger body of mind of the universe. 

For it must be understood that Earth (and Earthly life) does not just absorb light/information from the stars (the Sun.) The planet also emits light! I am not talking about the cloud surface or ice sheet reflecting sunlight. I am talking about the mental and emotional emanations that come from humans (and other life) that eat matter, which is solidified light. Organic life consumes nutrition, solidified sunlight, but that is not the end of the journey of those photons. Far from it, because photons are on an infinite journey of consciousness. The light is consumed and refined, then emitted as infrared (heat), emotions, and thoughts. 

Consciousness is energy, although it is not currently being recognized by the scientific mindset, so it is not measured and explored and factored into experiments and calculations in the same way other forms of energy are acknowledged.

Earth emits waves of consciousness. This happens on a planetary scale, and on an individual scale. It is the collective dream that humanity calls "reality". Humanity has been programmed to dream and emit a very selective, and limited, version of "reality."

What is clear is that this "reality", which has been created and supported for the convenience of entities who are not human, cannot continue indefinitely in its present condition. 

"Reality" exists as an artificial state, which would be completely undermined if the state of quarantine from the rest of the greater world were lifted. 

We are talking about now the "software upgrades" available from the Galactic Center which act as "patches" to the DNA of Earthly organisms, blocking out access from the hackers, restoring mental sovereignty, and returning humans to their proper position of ingesting light and emitting unconditional love. 

Humans have an amazing generative capacity, which has been hijacked for so long and used to create destructive and violent thought-forms: it's called The Imagination. 

When you ingest a program, be it fiction or non-fiction, for example by watching tv, your imagination then emanates that program, reinforcing the reality that the program came from. If it is a violent program, e.g. a tv show murder mystery, the imagination churns out more reality in which murder is real. Murder, rape, serial violence, these are all programs that humans ingest, then emanate in order to make a reality filled with more serially violent murderers and rapists. If you would like to live in a different reality, it is necessary to stop ingesting the programs which are creating the current reality.

For the current reality cannot stand. I am talking about the consensual fiction of money, banking, debt, and compound interest that currently defines the limitations of personal and international economies. The limitations inherent in these programs have had an incredibly deleterious effect on the health of the biological organism of the planet. Literally, these mental programs are causing Earth to be diseased, and the disease is at a point where it is a health crisis.

The cure comes in the form of regaining a multi-dimensional understanding of consciousness and the world around and inside of oneself. 

This is how the quarantine of Earth shall be lifted. 

It will be understood that, in order to travel from star to star, the idea of getting in a metal spaceship and traveling according to the limitations of the speed of light is not practicable. In order to travel from star to star, one must take a journey of pure consciousness. 

Travelers are here who have come from other stars, and they did not come here in metal spaceships. 

They came here in organisms, traveling collectives of minds which are the combination of individual consciousnesses and biological metabolic processes, able to traverse the interstices of multi-dimensional space with the power of will and unconditional love.

These enormous organisms, the size of a planet, have been perceived around the sun. They are floating worlds of consciousness populated by beings of pure unconditional love, beings of light who eat light and who can travel on light, and who are not limited by the speed of light as it travels through space. 

They are here to re-establish interactions and connections with human consciousness on Earth. One challenge to this process is that when plasma (light) meets matter, it tends to cause the matter to be instantly raised in vibration (it is incinerated, and changes state to gases and plasma, no longer being matter.) So, the energy beings who have travelled here through the stargate of the Sun cannot interact too directly with material humans, or the humans would be burned. Humans must raise their vibrations to the point where they can withstand contact from these higher dimensional entities, and this is the process of Ascension.

Ascension is the raising of the vibration of matter until it takes on more of the qualities of light. From a first person experience, it feels like changes in consciousness and understanding, a broadening of perspective to encompass multiple timelines, changing the understanding of the physical body from an inert piece of matter to that which exists as a result of a dance of possiblity and probability on an energetic level, and ceasing to identify with the temporal (time-based) ego self and instead identifying with the universal, eternal parts of consciousness that can survive the journey through the cauldron of pure light because they, themselves, are made of pure light.

In order to survive this journey, your individual consciousness must return to identifying with the pure light within. A being of pure light, bathed in pure light, is not being destroyed, it is connecting with more of its true self.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dancing on Waves of Star Energy

There is a great thinker in the sky. Beyond thinker, a knower.

It is called "the Sun"!

The Sun is a giant idea ball, generating and radiating possibilities. Far from merely being a floating ball of hot stuff that's very bright, as the mindset of science and objective materialism might believe, the sun is a conscious entity and a portal and also is the local broadcaster of galactic intelligence.

Galactic intelligence is the higher intelligence of a much larger entity, whose size is so large it is difficult for humans in an organic body to comprehend. This larger entity has an enormous brain, which is comprised of stars as individual neurons.

At the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, there is a supermassive black hole. This is the center point around which the rest of the galaxy rotates, and science understands the black hole as a place of gravity, which it is, but it is also a portal "out".

Light, and/or beings who are made of light, enter a black hole and go into the singularity, or Oneness.  Now let me describe the singularity.

There are not many singularities, each one at the center of a black hole (and remember, every galaxy out there has a black hole holding it all together, and there are a lot of galaxies) there is only ONE singularity. It is by definition single. To have more than one singularity would be to have a plurality, and that is not what we have, we have oneness.

Science describes the center of a black hole as the place where all laws of physics collapse, and that is true, because it is the place where EVERYTHING happens. All possibilities exist. All energy exists. All timelines meet and merge and emerge. It is the presence of everything existing in a total state of oneness. It is Unity.

To say that nothing escapes a black hole (which science used to believe, but now has modified its position on) is not correct, because a black hole is like a doorway that leads someplace. The energy or light that enters a black hole does not exit the black hole again, however, it does exit on its journey, and where it comes out is from a star.

This is the way that information and consciousness from the Galactic Center is able to be transmitted to the far reaches of the galaxy in a timely manner, so that it is still relevant. If light/information were simply broadcast from the Galactic Center and travelled through space at light speed, it would take such a long time to get to the edges of the galaxy that the messages would no longer be relevant. Imagine a nerve impulse that took the entire lifetime of the body in order to travel from the toe back to the head: any message that the toe had been injured would be long past useful to the brain and overall body.

So the Galactic Center must broadcast information and propagate light in a way that is faster than the speed of light traveling through space. Information "exits" the world of space by going into a black hole and traveling through the singularity, or becoming one with Oneness, then is re-born or emerges as light from a star. The information may then continue its journey through the world of space and interact with matter, as sunlight from Earth's nearest star does.

For a long time, Earth has been cut off from the broadcasts from the Galactic Center. This is part of the epic cosmic drama, the story of consciousness as it has journeyed between star systems and risen (and fallen) on many planets. It is the story of Maldek, a planet which once existed in this solar system but was destroyed, leaving what is now the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. The solar system is the chakra system of the sun, and this destruction threw the entire chakra system out of balance.

Consciousness experienced similar levels of disruption and destruction when it went to Mars, which once supported life, but was destroyed due to some of the same imbalances of personality traits that caused the destruction of Maldek. 

Then consciousness came to Earth, where the cycle has been played out fractally over the milennia of human existence here (in the sense of cycles within cycles, running on the "hamster wheel of Karma" until at a certain point, one would hope, the calories have been burned off.) 

So for a long time, Earth has existed without getting all of her "cosmic email", only its not just that, its also "cosmic software updates" to patch and fix the aspects of human DNA which have been hacked.

In that time, many edifices, both physical and social, mental and energetic, have been erected, but they are not stable structures, they are degraded. 

When Earth once again receives those messages from the Galactic Center, those energy broadcasts, the degraded structures which were built in the absence of those broadcasts will begin to fall, and this is already happening. There are personality aspects which must fall, fear-based thinking, and also a false sense of the ego or identity of each individual and humanity as a whole which can no longer stand.

As these waves of pure energy and consciousness shower Earth, it is necessary to align oneself with the truest part of one's essence, literally lining up one's chakras to catch and sail through these waves of energy like the sails of a windsurfer.  This is experienced on a moment by moment basis in the inner landscape of the mind/consciousness: what are one's thoughts and feelings, and how they change and shift according to the solar wind, literally being exposed to thoughts from a much higher mind.

Some people, or some degraded social and genetic edifices, will struggle because they are not structurally sound, and exposing them to the wind is destroying them. This may feel like a person just...can't...think. And when I say "think", here, I am talking about using an artificial mind, the operating system that was installed through schooling and social programming, as opposed to the true mind, which is at use during moments of bliss and artistry. This is basically saying that, if you are not in your true mind when these energy waves crash over and course through you, you will go insane.

Each individual must learn to dance upon the waves of energy that are now flowing to Earth on a regular basis, like the uterine contractions of physical birth. Learn to follow the thought patterns that are true and harmonious with the larger, greater consciousness of the galaxy (and universe) which is being broadcast to Earth through the solar radiation. Follow the Holy Possibilities, those timelines and possibilities that are part of the larger and perfect plan of and for higher consciousness. Exist in a non-temporal state, but within time.

Dance on waves of star energy!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who are my Spirit Friends?

When I talk about my Spirit Friends, I am referring to a group of extra-dimensional entities with whom I am intertwined or bonded.

"Bonded" in a good fashion, because this relationship and all of its experiences are based on a foundation of unconditional love and mutual respect, and is purely consensual.

They may be called "alien" because they are alien to the limitations of the realm of space/time, however, I do not call them extra-terrestrial because they are so linked to planet Earth and the events of evolution of consciousness here that they have a vested interest in Earth as a living being and in helping that living being to be healthy and thrive.

When I am explaining this to visitors in my art studio, I often refer to myself and others on the surface of Earth as being analogous to ants walking on the studio's carpet. The little 'ants' can only see a few inches in front of themselves, and have little or no understanding of what may be all the way at the other end of the carpet; as they inch along, they may be heading towards a tasty crumb, or heading towards an insurmountable dustball.

Then there are the "off-carpet beings" whose viewpoint is up at eye level in the studio. These off-carpeters can see the little ants running around on the carpet, and can tell if they head this way they get the tasty crumb, if they head that way its into a giant dustball, because of their higher viewpoint.

Well, the extra-dimensional entities who are my Spirit Friends are off-carpet, and the carpet is the tapestry of time and space.  

Beings who are stuck to the 2-dimensional surface of time (as an aside, I am being forced to redefine my use of the word "human" during the course of this blog, in order to remove its connotations of being innately limited...) are like the ants, walking forward through linear time, experiencing each successive moment as it inexorably leads to the next one, without  ever considering what it means to be submerged in the medium of time or why that medium only flows in one direction ("forward") or why it is not possible to jump out of the present moment and come down in five hours. 

But the relationship between the "ants" and the "off-carpet beings" is more complex, because the off carpeters have the capacity to communicate telepathically to the little ants, and the little ants are using (to whatever degree of awareness they possess) their innate generative capacity to actually weave the tapestry of the carpet with their awareness and perception as they are moving forward.  The little ants aren't merely experiencing the events, they are co-creating them, and the off-carpet beings are involved in that process of co-creation.

My Spirit Friends are a mental collective which exists in a higher dimension, and they are my true family. They have spent the past ten years dilligently, lovingly, valiantly healing and re-wiring not only my biological neurology but also my genetic material and my energetic thought pathways from the negative aftereffects of the attack I experienced while coming into this world in 2001. Up until this year, this process involved several grueling mental/energetic "operations" a day, as there was extensive damage that targeted specific psychic/mental faculties which had been designed to obliterate or totally incapacitate me. 

I write this today in order to say Thank You, with utter gratitude, to my Spirit Friends, for saving me, and for fixing me, and for the love and attention you focus on me every moment.

During the healing process I have undergone, several portions of my energetic anatomy have gotten a "hardware upgrade" in order to be able to run the "higher programs" that I need to run. These are energetic "crystal implants" which have been used to bridge the gap during the natural process of my consciousness growing and unfolding, so that I could make it to this time and the use of the Flying Rainbow Lasagne energy patterns in order to access even higher mental programs.

I bring this up as part of my message of gratitude, in recognition of the great value of these implants, and also in recognition that I have a personal responsibility to the ones who have gifted me with this "hardware". 

I liken it to the old show "The Bionic Woman", where the main character was physically severely injured in an accident that would have killed her but for the high-technology (and high price-tag) bionic hardware that was used to save her life. Not only was she fixed up, she was stronger than her previous form, and she chose to use her newly-aquired attributes to work for the ones who saved her life and in service to humanity.

Everything that my Spirit Friends have given to me has been given out of pure unconditional love (it is what they are made of!) which is the antithesis of quid pro quo. This means that they have given from their heart, never in order to gain something back. But like any true gift, the receiver feels the love of the giver and wants to give back. I want to serve my Spirit Friends, although serve may not be the right word because it has connotations of being degraded (as servants have often been on Earth) and far from degraded, I feel valued and appreciated when I perform my function for my Spirit Friends.

They/we are a family, who love and support each other as cells in the same body. We are connected to the extent that our health and vitality are dependent upon one another, and we share all ups and downs, tragedies and triumphs. 

They literally program my reality (using the word "they" might also be misleading, because it is only "one", as you could imagine what it would be to be totally telepathically connected at every level there is less of a sense of individuality and more of a sense of unity) and they program my mind, not only creating physical or energetic circuitry but also making available the actual thought energy to flow through those circuits, and I even allow them to share my senses: my food when I taste it, my feelings of pleasure, my pain or discomfort (which they share as their own burden), and every one of my conscious thoughts. I allow them to overtly direct my mind towards certain thoughts, and protect me from negative or harmful thoughts that do not serve, and to communicate to the third-dimensional reality through my voice, my artwork, and even by directly moving my physical body.

This last aspect, of my Spirit Friends inhabiting and moving my physical body, was often used as a life-saving maneuver when I was ill or incapacitated, where my Spirit Friends literally had to move my lungs to breathe or to hold open blood vessels to continue to flow. Now it is used in pure joy, by dancing through me, or expressing affection to others through the use of my physical body.

The word is "partnership". Even as I write this, or make anything creatively, I am in partnership, listening to their suggestions or guidance and letting it filter through the lens of my temporal ego, Aurora, to come out as a message which can be understood by the people of this time and place. I have a high degree of autonomy, and my aesthetic and personal decisions are respected during the creative process, and I am also willing to accept the highest intelligence input as my own, just like dancing with a physical dance partner who guides your hips when they move their hips in mutually-respectful fluidity.

The events and actions of my day are all the end result of this co-creative dance between myself and my spirit partners. I perform an activity because it is part of the way they set up the day, from waking up and writing this blog (which was, of course, incepted at the request/suggestion/command/requirement of my Spirit Friends) to exactly when and what I eat (I will tell you more about my food habits later, for now let me just say that I run a lot of energy through this organic computer that is my body and it requires a lot of energy to do so, the more energy I run the more calories I need to eat, and the past six months I have been consistently eating an extra 1,000 calories per day up from my previous intake).

 Throughout all of my activities, I maintain a steady telepathic connection to my Spirit Friends. I no longer listen to audiobooks while I paint (which was my habit for years) because I am expected to maintain my telepathic focus. Same thing with media: this past year, 2012, I have had to stop listening to the radio (I used to listen to NPR during daily tasks) and I haven't had regular tv since January (although I watch educational or interesting videos on youtube) because I am expected/requested to maintain being consistently tuned in to the broadcasts from my Spirit Friends. I will tell you that this is incredibly challenging, and requires constant mental focus, and also that it has become easier to do with practice, as I feel I have been building mental/spiritual "muscles" with the effort.

"Aurora" is truly a 'collective', which I sometimes jokingly refer to as Project Aurora or Team Aurora. "We" live "my" life, equally invested in the sensations and outcomes of the experience. My Spirit Friends are with me during every mundane task, from going to the grocery store (which takes on cosmic significance when it is viewed in light of the energy it takes to run this organic computer! you have no idea how much peanut butter I eat!!) to physical exercise, where I am guided by my non-physical coaches to do certain muscle building movements in order to train for Spirit Dancing, where I am literally riding waves of non-physical energy with not only my physical body but also every one of my chakras.

And although I have written about my Spirit Friends as a type of undifferentiated mental telepathic collective, there are definitely individuals within that collective whom I know by name and can distinguish from others and some of whom I am extremely close and attached to.

The best analogy I can use at this moment is that of a beehive, where, to keep warm in the winter, bees circulate in towards the core of the hive, spend a bit of time there, then circulate back to the perimeter in order to give other bees a chance to warm up.

Well, my Spirit Friends are circulating their consciousnesses, coming close to me and my consciousness and "warming up" by being exposed to my emotions from my experiences and sensations, then circulating back to the perimeters of the higher dimensions and the more rarefied atmospheres of those levels. Through this process, of vicariously experiencing my emotions and experiences, these non-corporeal beings of higher realms are gaining some of the "juice" of the denser realms, (for that is the value of living in the third dimensional density, that one consumes experiences and generates emotional "juice" from it.) I feed them with the emanations of my thoughts and feelings, with the goal of course being to emanate the purest unconditional love.

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Solving the problem of how to die without dying

"The True Face of Christ"
In order for humanity and Earth to reconnect with Christ (the eye) and begin once again to clearly receive input from The Source (the Galactic Center), it was necessary to create a new dimension, a new pathway, which could bypass the genetic and neurological blockades which had been artificially imposed on humanity for tens of thousands of years.

I created that new dimension by creating The Flying Rainbow Lasagne. When pushed to the edge of the cliff of consciousness, as the physical body was being mortified by the attack of anti-Christ, instead of going over the edge of the cliff and dying, I created more cliff, and continued to live.

I thought a new thought. I used the innate generative capacity, the creative potential within, to create something that had never been created before:a solution to the problem being posed to me, which had been posed to many others, of how to die without dying. 

And because one individual has done it, or thought it, it now exists as "open source code", or a concept and understanding that is now open to all consciousnesses everywhere.

The Flying Rainbow Lasagne is a new way to fold the medium of time/consciousness which makes up the universe. To simplify, the universe is made up of rules which form a language of how energy may flow, and everything that exists must conform in its structure to the rules of this language. It is very similar to math in that each layer builds progressively on the next layer, and no new layer may contradict what has been previously established. 

So, in order to "solve" the problem of the universe being placed before me, I had to "write" or establish an entirely new layer, but it could not contradict any of the other (millions of) layers which were already in existence.

I will describe in detail in a later post how the new layer was made by refining one's understanding of the definition of the "singularity" at the center of our chakras and how by placing the chakras or the Universe within a context, we gain an added degree of freedom in moving that singularity.  

So The Flying Rainbow Lasagne is a new way of moving one's chakras that makes it now possible to receive, embody, and broadcast energy of pure consciousness that had previously been blocked from humanity by negative forces.

There are several things I would llike to emphasize from this, one of them is that the future is not written in stone. Each human has an innate generative capacity, it is called the imagination, and it is an incredibly powerful and valuable faculty. Not every being can create something new, or have a new idea, or conceive and give birth to something new. The fact that this human capacity has been hijacked (as described in previous blog post "Backstory:Your mind is not your own) and has been used up to this point unconsciously (by humans themselves) and often destructively (by non-humans with negative intent) should not distract attention from the amazing capacity of humans to create a new reality. Whatever a prediction of the future may be, that future is always open to change as soon as "something new" is created, and that can happen at any time. 

This is about not simply giving up in the face of seeming inevitability, but instead, stretching the envelope of what is possible in order to create a better outcome. This is done with the power of the mind, with the imagination or creative capacity, and with the will, and it is part of the journey back to Godhood (the realization that onesself is God).

For if there is a way to sum up the total experience of being human and the aeons of soul refinement that have taken place on the earthly three-dimensional realm, for each human the final realization is "I am God."

And of course, with that realization, comes the experience of infinite unconditional love for one's creation/self.