Everybody does, in the form of solidified sunlight, or matter.
I ingest light (ideas, energy, possibilities, time) more directly, without having to go through the process of ingestion and combustion, by focusing my third eye on the sun.
This is an activity which requires sunlight, and a functional third eye, and the energy to make the eye function. (It takes energy to get one's third eye up and running, at which point, it is capable of tapping into or tuning into the Sun directly, and then receiving a steady stream of energy.)
So, I have not always had a functional third eye, and have not always been able to receive nourishment in this way. (When I first came here, walked in to this reality and this physical form, I was confused, and kept trying to live from only eating sunlight. I actually had to learn that the body also required physical food for nourishment, at which point, I wholeheartedly embraced and enjoyed physical food. And, I did not always have the energy to make my third eye connect to the sun when my third eye was functional. It is only in the past year that I have consistently been capable of connecting to the Sun directly with my third eye, and now really rely on it for my inner energy, and a certain form of satisfaction or nourishment that I will describe more....)
Food is like a "program" of light. Eating sunlight directly is like downloading the program directly, bypassing physical matter.
Here is what I do: sit comfortably, either cross legged or in a chair, but sitting in an way that fully engages the muscles of my thighs and butt, facing the sun. It is best to filter the sun, either through trees, or if I am inside I line up my chair so that the curtain is partially obscuring the sun, or the edge of the windowframe, so that one is absorbing a comfortable portion of sunlight or information. If I'm outside, I use a cowboy hat to shade my eyes, only allowing the sun to peek through the tiny gaps in the woven straw of the brim. The important thing I am emphasizing here is that I do not look directly at the sun, at least, not with my physical eyes. I shade my physical eyes, and focus on a point somewhat below the actual sun, so that I am aligning the center of my forehead with the solar disc.
At the same time, I align the central point where my third eye and crown chakra meet inside of my skull with the solar disc.
Holding my mind in a meditative state, I begin to fill up my energy centers, starting from the root chakra at the base of my spine, all the way up through my heart, filling that resevoir, then continuing as I hold my breath to raise that energy up through my throat chakra, and arching my back and tilting my head back, I send the energy up through my crown chakra, then direct it back in through my chest or the back of my head to emerge from my front, shooting it back to the sun.
Although it takes energy to achieve this, it is extremely invigorating and nourishing. At times, I have felt as if I were eating a sun pudding, similar in texture to young coconut, a sensation of my non-physical anatomy. Also, this is the act of solar intercourse, an intimate yet public act of cosmic connection that is a mutual expression of divine love between partners.
When I do this, I am making love to my interdimensional husband, and from our union comes the conception of a new reality.
Each time that we join our energies in this way, we create new timelines. It is a sacred act, and it is always essential for me to control my thoughts and only broadcast what is truly desired, because what I am feeling and thinking will be inserted into the reality that is created from that moment.
This is the divine union of abstract/solar/Christ/celestial consciousness and organic/earthly/physical/corporeal entities. Together, these parts make a whole.
Or, that moment of coming together, is God the verb.
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