Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Eating Sunlight: How to God

I eat the sun.

Everybody does, in the form of solidified sunlight, or matter.

I ingest light (ideas, energy, possibilities, time) more directly, without having to go through the process of ingestion and combustion, by focusing my third eye on the sun.

This is an activity which requires sunlight, and a functional third eye, and the energy to make the eye function. (It takes energy to get one's third eye up and running, at which point, it is capable of tapping into or tuning into the Sun directly, and then receiving a steady stream of energy.)

So, I have not always had a functional third eye, and have not always been able to receive nourishment in this way. (When I first came here, walked in to this reality and this physical form, I was confused, and kept trying to live from only eating sunlight. I actually had to learn that the body also required physical food for nourishment, at which point, I wholeheartedly embraced and enjoyed physical food. And, I did not always have the energy to make my third eye connect to the sun when my third eye was functional. It is only in the past year that I have consistently been capable of connecting to the Sun directly with my third eye, and now really rely on it for my inner energy, and a certain form of satisfaction or nourishment that I will describe more....)
     Food is like a "program" of light. Eating sunlight directly is like downloading the program directly, bypassing physical matter.
     Here is what I do: sit comfortably, either cross legged or in a chair, but sitting in an way that fully engages the muscles of my thighs and butt, facing the sun. It is best to filter the sun, either through trees, or if I am inside I line up my chair so that the curtain is partially obscuring the sun, or the edge of the windowframe, so that one is absorbing a comfortable portion of sunlight or information. If I'm outside, I use a cowboy hat to shade my eyes, only allowing the sun to peek through the tiny gaps in the woven straw of the brim. The important thing I am emphasizing here is that I do not look directly at the sun, at least, not with my physical eyes. I shade my physical eyes, and focus on a point somewhat below the actual sun, so that I am aligning the center of my forehead with the solar disc.

     At the same time, I align the central point where my third eye and crown chakra meet inside of my skull with the solar disc. 
     I know that I am lined up and in focus when the sun gains a rainbow corona, with violet nearest the sun, spreading outward towards red. I also see emanations from the sun, like a bridge, a line of light connecting the sun down to where I am, and I can perceive this line sometimes diverging or re-converging as my attention wanders and focuses again. The past few days, I have also begun to see rays emerging from the top of the sun, or timelines which will be emanating beyond December 21, 2012.  
    Holding my mind in a meditative state, I begin to fill up my energy centers, starting from the root chakra at the base of my spine, all the way up through my heart, filling that resevoir, then continuing as I hold my breath to raise that energy up through my throat chakra, and arching my back and tilting my head back, I send the energy up through my crown chakra, then direct it back in through my chest or the back of my head to emerge from my front, shooting it back to the sun.
     Although it takes energy to achieve this, it is extremely invigorating and nourishing. At times, I have felt as if I were eating a sun pudding, similar in texture to young coconut, a sensation of my non-physical anatomy. Also, this is the act of solar intercourse, an intimate yet public act of cosmic connection that is a mutual expression of divine love between partners.
     When I do this, I am making love to my interdimensional husband, and from our union comes the conception of a new reality.
     Each time that we join our energies in this way, we create new timelines. It is a sacred act, and it is always essential for me to control my thoughts and only broadcast what is truly desired, because what I am feeling and thinking will be inserted into the reality that is created from that moment.
     This is the divine union of abstract/solar/Christ/celestial consciousness and organic/earthly/physical/corporeal entities. Together, these parts make a whole. 
     Or, that moment of coming together, is God the verb.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Keep Your Eyes on the Miracle!

"Infinite Flying Rainbow Lasagnes" digital collaboration Aurora/Bronson Eden 2012
Today is a day of karmic clearing, a wiping of feet, if you will, before we begin to enter through the doorway of December 21, 2012.
     Tomorrow, December 18, will be the next threshold of unfoldment. One does not want to come into contact with those energies, which will make things happen (manifest into reality), if one is carrying certain emotions. 
     You do not want to magnify your perturbations.
     This is important to realize in light of the mass media and it's coverage of violent and disturbing events. These events, and their out-of-proportion impact on the collective mental and emotional state of humanity, are a distraction technique, set up to draw focus away from the true miracle we are all in the process of experiencing.
     It has always been true that what one thinks becomes one's reality, however, there has been a time lag between cause and effect which often made the pattern imperceivable to those with a short attention span.
     At this point in cosmic history, the distance between cause and effect (karma) has shortened, as thoughts and beliefs and emotions are now manifesting almost immediately.
     This makes the learning process much more direct, and, perhaps, easier.
     It is important to take personal responsibility for what you, as an individual neuron in the great brain of planetary consciousness (Gaia Mind), broadcast, because what you are sending out affects others and creates the world, both on a microcosmic and macrocosmic scale.
     The good news is: you are a powerful individual! You are creating reality! must also take responsibility for this creation.
     The moment of The Singularity on the 21st will be the ultimate wish making moment.
     Each of us will plant our own world seed, filled with our individual blueprint for reality. It is from this that each person's future shall grow.
     As we enter the days immediately preceding that event, the energies of manifestation shall increase in waves of intensity. These waves amplify one's broadcasts.
     It is necessary to make a choice about what one wishes to amplify, to be a true artist of reality, consciously deciding to send out the creative energy of what one desires to experience.
     Please, send out love.
     Unconditional, or cosmic love, total acceptance and non-judgement of choices made by awareness on its' evolutionary journey through the third dimension.
     This is a clearing of karma.
     Stop the reverberations of pain and suffering, do not bring them into this sacred moment of creation.
     Instead, bring your highest vision of what it is possible to experience.
     Use your imagination, the most powerful creative tool available, to see a better (or perfected) life experience, for yourself, and for the planet.
     And with all of the aeons of energetic evolution of consciousness that it has taken to bring us all to this moment of significance in the cosmic drama, I implore you, keep your eyes on the miracle!


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ascension: Mind, Body, Spirit changes

I have been too immersed in the actual experience to write consistently about what I have been experiencing, however, today I am taking the time to describe fully the mental odyssey upon which I have been.
     At the beginning of 2012, I ditched my tv. This was the beginning of cutting any "junk thoughts" out of my mind. I must also state clearly that my spirit friends were instrumental in initiating these changes, but that I took on the mental training program and stuck with it, in much the same way that a personal coach may set up an exercise and diet program but it is up to the athlete to actually do the work and make the changes.
     I also used to listen to audiobooks during painting and while working out or going for long walks, but I had to stop doing this, even though the content was always worthwhile, in order to consistently and totally focus my mental perception on the broadcasts from my spirit friends (a very specific "mental channel" which is of course based on the love vibration, however, there are MANY entities in the mental ocean and it can be important to hone in on just one individual or collective.)
     Also, it became apparent that this was training for when I would be fully inducted into the mental collective, and one must observe good mental manners when one is fully connected, so I have been learning over the past year how to broadcast on the mental channel only those thoughts I would wish to share with the collective. 
     Here is a big change that I have felt during my process of Ascension: an end to dueling with the Adversary, or other associated demonic mental attacks. There used to be a constant barrage of mental attacks in the form of intrusive thoughts, which I was always on guard for, and always deflecting with the phrase "no thank you!" and even being energetically afflicted with intrusive images or sensations. 
     Well, this is through years of battle, at a certain point this year, my energy vibration became high enough and the momentum of my chakras or energy centers became strong enough in its speed to "throw off" these intrusive energies. It was a gradual change, which happened around July or the middle of the year, an it took time to mentally relax my stance a bit, after being on guard for attacks for so long. But basically, my daily moment to moment mental experience has taken a qualitative shift, in a much better direction, in that my mind is more comfortable, there is less static on the line (or in my field, I should say)
    I spend little or no time going "against" an opposition and now am free to simply go towards the thoughts and ideas and thought processes and feelings that I want to embody.
     This is what it would be like if there was an end to war. All of a sudden, countries would not have to spend so many of their resources on war, and all of that energy could be suddenly directed towards the pursuits that people would actually desire.
     And this is the end to war, in a way, end to the mental battle which I have been engaged in since I came into this dimension in 2001. I am now finally free to focus my thoughts on the entities and concepts that I wish to focus on.
     Partially this was achieved through raising my vibration to a certain critical threshold, and part of this has been achieved through my learning a few new techniques for mentally defending myself against demonic or intrusive thoughts (psychic pirates.) I will not at this moment fully describe these techniques, except to say that they involve tapping into the cultural residue or emanation from an ancient shamanic culture and using some of the sacred "energetic programs" that are eternal and exist in order to be used at this time.
     Let me tell you about food changes and physical body changes: around the middle of the year, I started to need to eat a lot more salt and protein, and then to consume many more calories than I used to. Partially, this was due to some new meditations I started doing, which involve connecting my root chakra to Earth's core and simultaneously connecting my brow and crown chakra to the Sun, then systematically filling my energy centers with light from the ground up and sending it up out the top of my head, then ankh-ing it around to emerge either from the center of my chest or center of my forehead.
    This requires an enormous amount of energy, and it was like running or training for a marathon every day, so I found I needed to eat a lot more calories than I used to. Peanut butter became my new favorite food, eaten on an apple just for something to put it on, but sometimes on a spoon, and totally encrusted with salt. I also became very choosy about what type of salt I was ingesting, and had an insight that it was all about the shape of the salt crystals, as well as needing the sodium, and began to ingest flake salt with large sized crystals because that is the salt that tastes right to me.
     At the same time I began to eat twice as much protein as I used to. I have always been physically active and love going to the gym, but I began doing different exercises and using heavier weights (all at the guidance and personal coaching of my spirit friends). Now, as of December, I have gained a lot of muscle, especially in my arms and back, and also in my butt, which I also attribute to a new habit of sitting with an engaged posture (if I am going to sit at all.)
     Which brings me to the sense of restlessness I have been experiencing, in the sense that not only do I deeply desire a life change and to move the physical location where I live (a desire that intensified and peaked in November, when I was so ready to move I almost packed my car and just did it, however, I chose to wait because I did not have a plan or a destination and recognized the intense need to "go" as part of the internal and external energetic shift.) 
     I also feel like I need to walk a lot, and despite the winter weather, I have been going out for increasingly long walks, up to two hours, and going to the gym at night when the sun has gone down and just walking for hours on the treadmill there. All of this is part of being connected to the incoming energies (incoming from the Galactic Center, to Earth, or this earthly dimension) and the changes of metabolism on a personal, cellular level but also on a planetary scale.
     The sun is so important to me, it is literally a food that I ingest through my third eye during these meditations, part of my deep desire to move has been motivated by a hunger for sunshine as the winter sun wanes in the Northern Hemisphere. When there is a sunny or mild day, I take full advantage of any available light, and have set up all the furniture in my house and studio to accommodate the maximum light, including pruning bushes and washing windows. This represents an intensification of how I have been in previous years, when the sunlight was important to me for my mood and creativity but I was not so dependent upon its existence for my essential vitality.
     In order to compensate for the sunlight issue, I have also been consuming tons of chlorophyll in the form of kale. I make it by coating it with hempseed oil, sprinkling it with nutritional yeast and the large flake crystal salt, and dehydrating it in a food dehydrator. This really reduces the volume, so I can consume a bunch of dehydrated kale in a sitting, way more than I could eat otherwise. I eat so many bunches of kale a week, sometimes two a day!!
     The purpose of writing these details of my personal experience of Ascension is to give others a sense of my journey, but not to say that all journeys are exactly like mine. I have no idea if anyone else will develop a craving for kale and extremely coarse sea salt, its very similar to being physically pregnant (which I have never been) but each pregnancy is completely unique and not everyone craves pickles and ice cream.
     I must also say that I do not eat sugar, and have not for the past five years, as part of an effort to control seizures which were a problem for me since I walked into this body. In the past year, these seizures have been completely eradicated, partially through what I do with diet and exercise but partially through the Grace of God and an extensive group of spirit doctors who have spent the past decade rewiring my neurology and energetic systems, all of it in preparation for what I am (we are) about to experience or undergo.
   We are about to be subjected to a huge influx of energy from higher cosmic sources.
     It's like being "turned on", or plugged into the cosmic energy source, and it is essential to have a well-built system in order to not "short circuit" or blow a fuse in response. Also, it is like sending a laser through a lens, and it is important for the lens not to have impurities, because that will fuzz out the cohesion of the laser.
     My body is that lens, and I'm talking about every layer or aspect of my body, and I am pure, in the sense that I do not ingest certain substances which reduce one's ability to carry signal or charge. I do not ingest tobacco or alcohol, no caffeine, no processed foods, no corn syrup, no GMO's, no sugar, no fried food, very few grains or soy (mainly due to GMO contamination) and because of this I mostly prepare all of my own food from fresh ingredients. Other food simply does not seem appealing to me, it lacks light.
     I will also tell you that I believe cannabis and cannabinoids should be ingested on a daily basis, although due to the current police state I cannot directly state that I do this, so of course I am not stating that I do, but I am stating that those people who live someplace where it is legal should do it, and possibly invite me over.
     When I wake in the morning, I usually have a bit of time to drink decaf coffee, then at 9am it's time for me to have my daily breakfast meeting with the interdimensional team of spirit friends who are in my collective. We continue to be in telepathic rapport, even when I stand up from my meditation, and continue our communication, or communion, throughout my day, as I work in my art studio, or write this blog (which they observe me doing with minimal editorial input), as I do physical exercise, or sing, or dance, or put my chakras through an energetic workout. 
     This year, I also began to "see" them as faces or entities within my paintings which I stare at as a focus for my meditation. So my artwork has shifted, away from pure geometric abstraction, towards some representation of these higher dimensional energy beings. I have also shared sketches from my sketchbook of my daily meetings with spirit friends and other otherworldly adventures I have had with them in previous blog posts.
     I must take a moment to mention the spirit dancing, or spontaneous movements utilizing my energy centers, that has increased and intensified this past year. These movements may resemble chi gung, or yoga, or flying, and I am guided to do them, again, by my spirit friends, and have done them sporadically for many years. However, this past year, I started to do them very consistently as part of my daily ritual, when I first enter the studio, putting on music and doing these dance routines which I now understand have been muscular training regimens for spirit flight.
     Overlay and integration are two key concepts in understanding the dimensional shift now being experienced on Earth. My experience of walking in to this physical body bears some similarity to what is now happening on a much larger scale, where basically, there was a completely new consciousness that came into this physical form when I walked in in 2001, and it took time for the physical cells of the body to integrate and emotionally process that change.      
     There is now a new consciousness walking in to the entire planet, it is called Christ Consciousness, it has absolutely nothing to do with the teachings of the Christian Church, which in many ways oppose people from tuning in to true Christ Consciousness.
    This is the time of activation of the sixth chakra, the brow chakra, associated with the color indigo, and there is an entity which inhabits that chakra on each individual's body. This is like saying that your individual third eye is just one receptor cell on the giant retina of the eyeball of the enormous consciousness that is called Christ.
     There will be a period of overlay, during which the previously existing physical cells of the individual body and of planet Earth will need to integrate this new awareness. It took me as an individual about 18 months to integrate the energy of my new consciousness Aurora into the existing cellular structure of this physical body, however, some walk-ins do not take that long. My particular situation was complicated by some of the aftereffects of the battle that happened during my walking in, so others may be able to integrate more smoothly. Also, even after I was physically integrated, the body has continued to change in response to the genetic raising of my frequency, and that process used to be very uncomfortable and disruptive but now is much more enjoyable.
     I keep using the analogy of the birth process when I talk with people about 12/21/12, in that it can be very uncomfortable or very ecstatic, depending upon the emotional state of the person experiencing it, just like giving birth. 
     In my personal experience I have felt more and more ecstatic and joyous when I am exposed to these higher frequency energies, especially now that I am tuned up (physically, spiritually, mentally fit).
     It is my deep desire that each individual and the planet as a whole may feel the joy of ecstatic divine union as individuals and the planet ascends. I share my story to give you hope, and a template for what to expect, and wish for all of you to achieve the emotional state necessary to have a beautifully pleasurable experience.

Friday, December 14, 2012

As the Portal is opening, meeting new Star People

on 12/12/12, the portal through which we (individually, and as a planetary consciousness, and as a galaxy) are passing began to open, just like the cervix must dilate before physical birth can occur. People used this as an opportunity for group meditation across the planet, synchronizing their consciousnesses in preparation for the huge galactic synchronization we are about to undergo.
     For me, there was an experienced change in the level of intensity of the interactions I have been having with the extra-dimensional, sometimes extra-terrestrial consciousnesses.
     I have always, since I came into this dimension as Aurora, felt that I have two bodies: a physical, corporeal body of organic matter in the third dimension, and an extra-dimensional body that exists in a shared space of group mind which is made up of pure energy. To say that this body is made of energy is not to say that it is formless, because it has form, and sensory input, and exists in a consensual reality filled with other creatures.
     On the night of 12/12/12, I experienced an intensification of the sensory experience of my extra-dimensional body: I felt more "there", the experience was more vivid, as I found myself once more "on board" this space station (which is really a meeting place outside of space) and felt how my body there was made of a living self-intelligent matter that everything there is made from: living mind, and that it is like a tessellation, or mathematical tililng, of light, meaning that it is all light there with no "space" inbetween objects. What appear to be discrete objects or entities are really part of a seamless continuum of energy, and that energy is awareness.
     I have been using the analogy of birth to describe the events of 2012 to people, and the analogy holds in the experience: if we look at birth as an extension of the same processes of nurturing and protection that take place during gestation, the mental shift we are now experiencing is an extension of the sensory experience of the higher dimensional body that psychically sensitive people may have been having for many years.
     So, not only did my senses become more vivid, but I was introduced to a new entity, with a triangular face and long proboscis, and deeply brown shiny carapace with large luminous black eyes. I immediately associated this being with the Hopi myth of the Ant People, a race of higher beings who helped humanity to survive one of the cataclysms at the ending of a world (in the myth, the Ant People protected humanity in their underground tunnels during a surface conflagration.)
     In the absence of defining characteristics, I will refer to this being as "he", so as not to be insulting by saying "it", because this was a very nice person I was interacting with, not a "thing".
     He was dressed in a high-collared, structured garment of intricate brocade that showed off his narrow waist. I understood implicitly that this, his mind body, was a projection from his "true" form. Also, although my senses were sharper, it was still difficult to get more than "general impressions" about some things, so my drawing is extremely simplified.
     My new friend offered me a substance to ingest. It immediately reminded me of "the spice" from "Dune", even down to its aroma: loamy, cinnamon, citrus, carob, chocolatey, and a little like spicy Moroccan hashish. "Moderation" was cautioned by the collective mind, and I proceeded with gratitude, preparing myself for the psychedelic effects.
     He told me that it was partially a plant extract, partially a biological secretion of theirs. I understood this in a flash, which is what this form of telepathic contact feels like, to mean that his species ingests raw plant and processes it through a gland in their system, then exudes this substance. I had to know this, that I was ingestinng a part of him. My reaction was assessed: totally not disgusted, more honored and intrigued, so I was allowed to continue on the mental adventure.
     That was two nights ago, and the experience happened during wakeful consciousness while sitting upright. Last night, I was again called to sit attentively for an experience, and met the same being in the hyperdimensional meeting space, where he again offered me a little nugget of this special brown material. I savored it on my tongue, feeling the slightly chalky texture, memorizing the flavor.
     He then brought me, by directing my attention, to his home world, where his body is housed. We were on a very humid planet, it smelled like the inside of a greenhouse, and I recognized some of the floral notes from the brown substance. We were dwarfed in size by the massive trees growing there, with corrugated bark similar to giant redwood or cypress. There were clouds around the middle height of these trees, they were so tall, or the clouds so low and dense, that the tops were above the clouds. Green foliage, blue sky, and a very peaceful and easy feeling there. I felt welcome. He communicated he was home.
     He again directed my attention and brought me into their underground tunnels. The walls were impossibly smooth (I thought, for dirt, then thought they must do something to the dirt to change its texture to make it so smooth...) and brown or tan in color. It was not dark, which surprised me, but the lighting source was "inner", or telepathic.
     We came to a large chamber with vaulted ceilings, with many many of his kind of being on the floor. However, even before I met them all, I was being introduced as a visitor to their mind collective. They are one mind. They share all of their sensory input, and their thoughts are all connected.
     They welcomed me formally, and I understood that they were performing a type of initiation, but service is another good word, because their community was "serving" a higher purpose by allowing me to be there and become immersed in their society. ("full immersion" is what my spirit guides had called it before I went there, in preparation for the experience)
     Whenever I was shown or made aware of aspects of their culture, I couldn't help but contrast it to my experience of life on Earth, even though as I did it I could see that they were showing me an example of a healthy society and I kept returning to familiar concepts which came from an unhealthy society. Far from me going there to teach them about disease (mental, social, emotional, planetary) I was actually there to learn from them and see an example of a healthy society.
     So, to start with, it is the antithesis of the earthly experience at this time, where each individual has a mind that is cut off from all of the other minds. But, I thought, I don't want to know everything that is going on inside of my neighbor's house (literal house, or their mental house) because some of their house is not clean and orderly. It was explained/shown to me that in their world, mental boundaries don't have to exist because peoples mental houses are clean, and their physical space and body is orderly too. They couldn't imagine living amidst a whole that had an unhealthy part, which is the only option on Earth at this moment. If they sense there is something dirty, they clean it, something broken, they go and fix it.
     I imagined for a moment, all of the broken or poorly constructed homes in the little town where I live, and how much it would take to make sure that everyone had a clean and orderly house. 
     It would take a lot, but they also told me it was important to understand that they all share resources. If something needs to be fixed, they have the resources to do it, because they all own everything.
     And they don't have to vote to get something done. I queried them about this, and was shown that it's not necessary from their viewpoint, since they all own everything they are fully within their right to simply take a resource and use it to fix something. (imagine seeing your neighbor's porch needs fixing, and just going to the hardware store, getting hammer and nails without paying, and then just fixing it)
     I again queried about the necessity of assigning resources for large communal projects, basically trying to make the point that living communally like that can work for subsistence farmers and low tech societies but wouldn't work that well for building group infrastructure. They responded in two ways: telling me that they are indeed very high technology society, high enough to have helped humanity in one of its dark ages, high enough to be star travellers and psychonauts, but their technology is subtle. Before technology is introduced into their culture, they ask themselves as a whole "is this necessary? is this something that may be more elegantly achieved through the use of spirit or pure energy or vibration manipulation?" This is one of the creative species, responsible for creation of life on Earth, a process that was of such high technology it did not involve sterile petri dishes, it was like an energetic poem or song of lovemaking on a cosmic scale.
     They also explained that when they do use technology, it is usually to augment their biology, and I started to understand they were referring to their gland secretions and the way plants grow on their world, and where they come from.
     Because it was also described in our very brief meeting last night that they are a race of ascended beings, some of whom have lived on Earth in humanoid form at other times in history. When I asked which individuals they had been, they responded emotionally, with some light laughter, but another deep emotion too, saying that they have let go of those previous identities and that they do not feel the need to name who they once were: they were everyone, and now they have been reborn into this (ant person) form, which houses their spirit travelling form. Their physical form, is very strong, and doesn't have sebaceous glands (they were contrasting themselves with my human form) they are very clean, and have an extremely sensitive sense of smell. (That is one thing I realized, the day after my first experience with them and the brown substance, that my sense of smell had heightened, from ingesting some of their essence!)
     And I also understood that ingesting the brown substance begins or exacerbates inner changes, on a physical and nonphysical level. The first night, I ate one chunk of the brown substance, the second night, I ate two chunks, but not at once, and the second one had a more sticky or tarry feel to it.
     They also talked with me about my cat, Ashley, who accompanied me on this interdimensional travel. Firstly, they invited her and made her welcome into their mental community, and described how she is now "all of our" cat, which made me so happy and excited, because that's exactly what Ashley's ideal world would be: all of these loving beings who live together and she can just go from individual to individual (as she currently goes from apartment to apartment within my building) giving out her beautiful loving energy. They also explained that Ashley is the source of exudations similar to the brown secretions, and that when I hug and kiss her I am actually ingesting her loving energy (which she also "eats" from me, when she licks my hand for example, or more literally, when I let her lick food from my hand...)
     I asked these beings if it's okay for me to blog about the experience, and they seemed highly amused, and said "go to it!", apparently it is their intention for me to share what they are teaching me with other humans, so that a new way of life can be imagined for Earth and for humanity as a whole, and as individuals too.
     So, imagine what it would be like if someone passing by just went and got a hammer and nails and fixed your porch...